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Creator of Dreams & Dealer of Stories.

Buffet Bachelor Comic Book Interview with Creator Lovietta Simpkins

Creator of Buffet Bachelor Lovietta Simpkins

Fast forwarding back, to an old post. What is Buffet Bachelor? We asked the Creator Lovietta Simpkins a few Q’s so that we can share the work with a wider audience. Before its release this October. We’ll be E, and Lovietta will be L.

L: It is a story about Terrie, a broken man’s struggle to find love in endless sea of faces.

E: Why a comic this time around?

L: Comic’s can be more freeform, and I want Terrie’s story to be erotic, humorous, dark, angry, wild and overall a fun journey. Plus I love to draw!

E: Very cool.Sooo, now who is Terrie?

L: Well Terrie, is the main character in Buffet Bachelor. He’s been thrown through the meatgrinder. *She laughs* But, then again he has Lost his wife, and his will towards love has been shaken. I wanted to illustrate his journey, how hard finding love again is and how ultimately to grow you must learn to love and appreciate yourself first.

E: Interesting. But what kind of story are your trying to tell?

L: It’s a story that is about struggle. It’s about living and understanding that life doesn’t suddenly stop when the odds are stacked against you, even if it may feel that way.

E: So what is Terrie going to do then? Didn’t you say his wife left him?

L: Yep, she did, and it was rather messy how it happened but, look,Terrie’s struggle is one of many. He was the provider, loving and supportive husband. To be honest he was the good guy who married his dream girl, but life throws us curve balls. You just have to decide whether or not to swing. Even if you don’t hit, and you wind up striking out, your goal should always be to try, don’t give up.

E. Wow, that’s deep. So how can we as readers relate to your character?

L: It’s all a matter of perspective, it isn’t a right or wrong way to face a bad breakup. Some people feel used, abandoned, and they are carrying so much anger and hurt that the pain is unbearable.They can’t even move on, because they don’t trust people anymore. Then you have those that block it all out. They keep going. I think that its important that no matter what we keep going, but we have to face our demons one way or another. The fight will be hard but you will come out stronger.

The interview will continue, Follow our posts! Buffet Bachelor is slated for release in 2017! Stay tuned for more updates. Push for Ten!

Want to learn more about the Creator? Check out Lovietta Simpkins! Her work is online at:

All the best,

Envision & Wonder Team

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